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Hull-Daisetta ISD

Bobcats Fight, Never Die!

Local History

Golden Oldies

When the Hull-Daisetta Class of 1928 gathered in 1978 to celebrate its 50 year reunion, plans began to come together for an organization that would honor each class as it hit that historic mark. Nelson Stovall was elected to serve as President of the newly formed H-D Golden Oldies and held that position until 1988. J. C. Bevers assumed the position when Stovall passed away. The group later made the decision to form a foundation in Stovall’s name to award scholarships to graduates of Hull-Daisetta High School using funds given in his memory. The original trustees were Mildred Stovall, Clyde Gott, Nell Tuttle, Willard Clark and Judge J C Zbranek.

       On March 20, 1989, the Nelson Stovall Foundation was granted a state charter naming the plank-holders as Clyde Gott, Mildred Stovall, Willard Clark, Hale Johnston Jr, T J Taff, Cecilia Hall and J C Zbranek. In the spring of 1990, two scholarships of $250.00 each were granted. By 1999, through the generous gifts of many, the scholarships were increased to three of $1,000 each and the name was changed to Golden Oldies Scholarship Foundation. Under the fiduciary guidance of Earl Hammond Jr and William Devine, and continued support from members, the investments have increased so that five scholarships in the amount of $3,000 were awarded in May of 2018.

        Until October 2018 all funding has been through memorial donations only, but the group has undertaken the “Pathway to the Future” project involving the sale of granite squares located at the entrance of the high school gymnasium. Although the project is massive and will continue over a period of years, the first intense drive will end December 31, 2018. The “continuing” drive will begin January 1, 2019. For information at this time one may contact Kitty Shivers Key at 409-960-4738.


HD Golden Oldies bag and book By Kitty Shivers Key